2018 Hammer Grant Finalist, Kim Anno — QUEER | ART


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About Kim Anno, Finalist
Anno is a painter, photographer, and filmmaker/video artist whose work is exhibited by museums nationally and internationally. SFMOMA, Brooklyn Museum, Honolulu Museum, Berkeley Art Museum, University of Suffolk, Waterfront Gallery,UK, Crocker Museum, Oakland Museum, Getty Research Institute, Columbia University, University of Texas, Austin, Walker Museum have collected her work. Since 2012 she has made a film/video series: Men and Women In Water Cities, made with local actors, citizens in coastal communities who are grappling with sea level rise. The Water City, Durban video installation was exhibited at the Goethe Institute Gallery in Johannesburg. Currently Anno is making two films: 90 Miles From Paradise staged in Havana, Key West, and Miami, and a documentary on the LGBTQI community in Cuba, titled: ¡Quba!.